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Becoming LOVE. Letting go the old limiting perceptions of self.

Beliefs are so powerful. While sitting on the couch this morning watching the sunrise, it popped into my awareness very clearly a belief that is still running and playing out in my energy field.

A belief that currently is playing havoc and messing greatly with my desire to freely and lovingly expand, evolve, live and express myself more fully.

Now many of you may think, well you seem to do that already in many ways. However due to this belief I have been carrying around in my energy thought field, I usually have a downer afterwards; a slump in my energy to near exhaustion sometimes, feeling depleted instead of full of vitality ! Basically I don’t feel good in myself for expressing myself freely and being myself authentically … isn’t that freaking madness. I wonder how many of us carry this energetic belief which was handed down from our forefathers and mothers aka sins of the fathers and we picked it up both genetically and energetically !!!

More things about my patterns of behaviour sand subconscious thus biological responses is beginning to make sense. The belief I became aware of this morning was “ I am not loved when I am being my true self expression “. … so basically I don’t love and embrace myself when I am being my true authentic free expression as I believe it is unlovable … wowzeeer.

That mega potent a-ha light bulb moment of awareness has helped bring some light and understanding as to why a heaviness came over me yesterday. It happened in the afternoon after I had a wonderful vibrant morning of creative expression and writing from my heart and the inspiration of creative joyful flow.

Once I posted a very open and authentic blog I had written titled “ learning to receive from simply being “. I set off on a 2 hour drive from my retreat home in Hanmer Springs alpine village to my 2023 ocean home in Kiakoura. As I was driving all of a sudden I felt so sleepy and started to yawn heaps. My eyes even felt heavy and sleepy. I wondered if it was wise and safe to drive in this state.

As I had a two hour drive ahead of me, I decided I needed to urgently direct my energy to be aware and awake. I called all of my energy into the here and now to be fully present and aware. I called in the support of my higher self, guides and angels for the trip... Why Not, right !

I also repeated in my thoughts the “ access consciousness “ questions I discovered years ago and enjoy so much. Plus they fricken works like a dream every time “ what will it take for this to turn out better than I can imagine ? What’s right about me I am not currently getting ? It worked and I safety and gracefully got to my destination where Steve my Hubby had a lovely dinner awaiting me after which I had a big sleep.

As I was sitting this morning with the awareness of the belief that was still running in my energy field and thus influencing the quality of my thoughts and feelings and experiences. I realised I can automatically change this belief now. I am done with this patterning and limiting perceptions of self. I have the tools and know how. It is just a matter of reclaiming my self worthiness and powerfully choosing it via the alignment with my divine mind intend.

I did what I have often been guided to do by my soul sister Rebecca Gambles when she is facilitating a Pleidian light work session for me. I cancelled the belief ‘ I am not loved when I am being my true self expression ‘.

I envisioned the contract where I had agreed to be birthed into my family blood line where I would learn that limiting belief as a ancestral hand me down pattern of energy and experience. Tick done complete. The buck stops here with me and I can transform this now more fully and completely !!!

Once I cancelled the contract where I had agreed to take on that limiting belief and energy. I asked my inner being ( inner guidance / awareness ) what is the new belief I want to download into my hardware energetic system including brain and neural pathways to replace it now ? It was very simply and obvious ‘ I am loved when I am being my true self “.

To fully claim this new belief I did what Rebecca has guided me to do many times over the years in our sessions. She did just this process with me a few days ago in our joint co-creative session where I facilitated a quantum healing hypnosis ( qhht ) for her and then within the session guided her to connect and facilitate a Pleiadian light work session for me.

It was so fun to explore this collaborative session together and support one another in bringing greater awareness to certain themes in our life’s playing out as patterns we were now ready to become aware of. Then release the limiting beliefs and redirect the energies to be in alignment with each one’s highest embodied creative potentials available here and now.

To download the new belief statement I repeated it three times with conviction.

For example I claimed. I am a Sovereign being of light, I am loved & lovable for being my true self. X 3.

I realised this morning anyone can do this for themselves. We don’t have to book sessions or wait for someone else to do it for us. We can all be empowered with simple tools to shift our energy frequencies and outdated belief system that do not serve us anymore.

We each can release the denser energies and beliefs that are causing dissonance in our energy fields which is most lightly effecting our bodies innate well-being capacities and keeping us from living the life’s we truly love, while feeling free to be and express fully whom and what and how we truly are as infinite joyful beings.

I’m in favour of the beautiful contrasts of our earthly life as our divine birthright to be inspired via diversity, however I’m feeling so done with dealing daily with the harshness and friction of the push and pull type of old consciousness energy we have all become so accustomed to dealing with on earth. That energy of moving forward with the handbrakes on which has certainty been a theme in my life over the years.

The trick is to firstly to become aware of what is running us and perpetuating certain repetitive unhelpful patterns in our life's.

The best way to become aware of this is taking a pause through the day to create more spaciousness in one’s thoughts to be self reflective. Then get curious of what beliefs, thoughts, patterns and heavy feelings may be running in your life to create negativity, imbalance, lack and limitations.

Of course all this requires a willingness to now be willing and ready to want to see clearly what limits our unique and collective consciousness and become empowered around it all rather than stay in the victim model.

Once we become aware of what is unhelpful patterns. Then the opportunity is to let them go with conscious intentions ( press the delete button with forgiveness and gratitude for the soul growth ). Then replace with the latest available energetic software of updated empowering aligned thoughts, beliefs, feeling frequencies.

Yeah for more and more expansive energies of infinite possibilities and creativity of being within our human consciousness and everyday conversations and perceptions ! ! !

*** The black and white pic I screen shot from a video i took in my vl kitchen while dancing feeling the creative vibes. Represents the distortions in my psyche of how I perceive myself via limiting beliefs.

Yesterdays blog post posted on my other website sharing about my journey over the latter 6-12 months. Relearning BEing enough to receive joyfully and abundantly without needing to always do and give and care for others well-being needs before my own in order to have self worth and self value. LINK HERE As the Tatoo says on my left forearm. Nothing to Do, Everything to Be, I Am Divine Love. One day I will write this book.

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