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Becoming Yourself ~ Being a channel of LOVE.

Here's to the crazy ones that dare to be their most free open authentic selves in a world that tries to constrict and restrict the human spirit and creative nature, making it null and void.

Technology has its greatness but it does not replace the human spirit and consciousness !!! It is here to compliment and evolve it.

This morning I was listening to a great interview with Lee Carroll and Alex Ferrari on Next Level Soul podcast. ( One of my 2023 fav podcasts I enjoy watching on Youtube ).

Alex asked Lee Carrol how does someone discover their life purpose ? His answer " people may not like this answer, just place your hand on your heart and ask spirit what is my purpose and please help me release any bias I have around it ".

I paused the video and did just that ( go ahead and give it a go ) and the response I got via inner sense / feelings / words was ' being a channel of love '. The tears welled up in my eyes with the feeling of the deep resonance of truth in the feeling response I received cellular, while my small self perceptions proclaimed " but I don't feel like love or lovable '.

A little later I was sharing with Steve this story. Then he looked at me and said " why not ? " with a playful smile on his face and in that moment we both laughed so hard.

The moral of the story is the more I / we place light on our shadows ( unseen / unhealed / unintegrated aspects battling for attentions in our psyche and world views ) the more they dissipate and disappear.

What remains is a deeper compassion, grace and clarity for the wondrous gifts, wisdom and brilliant magnificence of our earthly human journey through the realm of duality and separation. ... Plus the need not to repeat karmic lessons ever again ... SOUL GROWTH COMPLETE & MOVING INTO NEW ENERGY EXPANSIONS !!! #newearthfrequency

Unconditional LOVE is inclusive and can hold and permeate the ALL OF US uniquely and collectively until we allow ourselves the willingness to 'JUST BE '; to pause, feel, acknowledge, heal and re-integrate and re-remember I AM LOVE ( Divine Love Consciousness ~ Purity ~ Grace . . . Add your own realisations of that which goes beyond human words and definitions; a feeling ; a inner knowing ; a resonance ! ! ! ).

So here's to the crazy ones to dare to reclaim such inner brilliance and authentic magnificence within the human spirit in what seems like chaotic, overwhelming and uncertain times of human evolution.

The real insanity of our world is that it still takes so much bravery to BE ONES SELF AUTHENTICALLY TRUE. For if we truly accepted whom we each are deep within beyond our human egoic identities and forms, we would have nothing to fear and could trust ourselves as aligning our intentions and energies to a friendly universe; living a friendly abundant resourceful human existence in a friendly resilient human biological body system.

" You are powerful beyond measure " .

Divine Love Ambassadors ! ! !

Through knowing what I am not, I know deeply what I AM.

Divine Infinite Blessings,

Mary Jo

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