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The carrier of uncomfortable truths: Divine Love unfolding the Divine Plan.

Self love is a continuous journey of being willing to be present with the uncomfortable feeling that arise within one’s energy field.

Feeling ( energy ) which are often triggered and brought to one’s awareness by an external perceptions of events that triggers a internal reaction or stirring of ones energetic field. Emotions and storylines like sadness , grief, anger, rage, overwhelm , denial. resentment, forgiveness, compassion, kindness and so much more moving through the human bodies and psyche.

The outer world events in which ever way they are interacted with ( in person or via technology devices ) are but reflections in the externalised mirror of one’s consciousness.

They can highlight into one’s conscious awareness fragmented and often disowned aspects of self requiring recognition, acceptance, acknowledgement, release, forgiveness, humility, connection , love and eventually integration into wholeness within.

We simply don't accept in others what we have not accepted within ourselves. The inner and external conflicts will continue until the fighting sword is placed down and a deeper surrender into a deeper resonance of truth and connection allowed.

Self love takes the greatest of courage in a world that has convinced the human collective psyche of its unworthiness , powerlessness , not enough~ness, inadequacy while carrying on a cellular level generational unresolved traumas and conflicts.

“ we are the ones our ancestry has been waiting for “

This is our opportunity to be awakened NOW to shine authenticity from within to blast through the haze of human trauma , drama , fears, confusion, overwhelm and thus placing ones trust, beliefs and faith externally while distrusting one’s own authentic true divine nature within.

“ all that you seek is within “


Through the grace of GOD go I

Thank you,

Mary Jo

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