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Deepening Sovereign Truths as Divine Love Ambassadors.

Updated: May 19, 2023

I am feeling that fire in my belly returning and igniting even deeper personal truths of sovereignty this week.

Divine Love Ambassadors are born from the alchemical melting pot of accepting our fabulous Messy Human Life's and lifetimes ( timelines ) and our innate higher truth as embodiment of ones Divine Soul Radiance. We are each the melting pots and the grand mastery creating divine magick beyond words can say; we are the fully messy and eternally empty canvas, fulfilling the dreamers dreams with the quantum physics of being the painter, painting and experiencing its creative nature daily.

We are the Divine Plan unfolding into each now moment. With sweet surrender come more grace.

Now I invite you to come travel with me along my energetic word smithing stream of consciousness pathways of re-rememberance via the terrain of messy humaness ( duality consciousness of separations ) AND eternal love ~ infinite grace consciousness ( Unity Wholeness Within to Without ) .

May the energies behind my words and in between my words enliven the cells of your body with a vibrant communications that bypass the left brains capacity for just a understanding and leave you with a experience going beyond just the words.

Life is all about experiences and we each have a story and many stories to share. These stories morph and remould themselves as we walk our human divine pathways that continue to offer a deeper wiser grace within the greater and greater expansions of awareness and the true unconditional nature of Divine Love.

What is the messy human to divine soul awakening ? Through the deeper acceptance of what I AM, have been and AM becoming as a Soul Embodied Being exploring this earthly realms via many incarnations I am re-remembering whom, what and why I AM THAT I AM.

This ONE incarnation goes by the name Mary Jo, standing~grounded~expansive as a anchor point of resolutions to the living of many perspectives via this and other incarnation within a perception of dualistic consciousness and believing in separation identities.

Woohoo that this lifetime for many of us is like a graduation from the epic earthly university of duality consciousness i.e believing oneself as separate, alone and divided from the whole and thus LOVE . . . the inclusive unconditional beyond human mockery kind !

As more and more of these lifetimes and experiences ~ aka timelines become witnessed from my / our higher consciousness of awareness via unconditional love, forgiveness and compassion, they in there divine momentum and unfoldment integrate once more into delicious divine wholeness. We expand and embody higher timelines and frequencies of being.

Those energies and storyline’s of victim and perpetrator, pauper and queens / kings, abused and abuser, have's and have nots, powerless and power over once held in a duality of a positive or negative charge reconcile their differences and both sides of the coin is known deeply to the awakened SOUL via a unified awareness and knowingness beyond words.

What is remaining is pure unadulterated wisdom that is expansional and imbued with a depth and clarity of knowingness. It is felt as divine exquisite bliss and the golden nectar of aware alive beingNess.

That wisdom then creates the next clarified expansion and evolution of consciousness creation.

My awakening journey began so very long ago. Even as a child witnessing the suffering and angst of the adults around me , I pondered to myself ‘ there must be a different way to do life , for if not what was the point to it all ? ‘

However it was really March 2010 when I had what seemed like a spontaneous activation of my kundalini energy. In hindsight it was absolutely and fully divinely orchestrated for my highest potential to re-remember whom I was beyond my egoic structure, limited beliefs system, daily woes and challenges to overcome.

I was blessed with whom I call my two cosmic midwife’s to support what was about to unfold. Also present to this experience in his own way was my divine counterpart hubby. It fills my heart with divine delight how he knew that all was well and he left the room calmly, even in the midst of my high pitched screaming he did not return to investigate what was going on. These screams were as a result to what i was feeling, allowing and releasing via the intensity of energies moving through my body ( what I later refer to as a cosmic orgasm experience ) .

Steve my hubby in his own intuitive wisdom and clarity left myself and my cosmos midwife’s to my rebirthing into my universal SELF Awareness. ( not that he or I knew what was going on, only that what ever it was, all was well and I had the perfect support ) .

The experience far exceeded the capacity of my limited human mental mind to comprehend in that moment. Thank God, just in the moment it was most required, one of my cosmic midwife’s whispered in my ears “ accept that you created this as a sovereign being “.

My ego brain was thinking WTF and yet my deeper inner being recognised a truth in these empowering aligned words somehow. It was so helpful to have this support so as not to get trapped in the limitation of a victim mentality via the thinking that something outside of myself was happening to me. I needed to keep my heart open and feel safe, supported and empowered to allow the intensity of energies to flow through me with as much grace, potency and ease as possible.

It was a game changer to embrace the realisation that this was happening for me and through me , not too me !!! A shift of perspective that can shift the energy and potentials of any experience from one of victimisation and trauma ( getting stuck in the ego mental mind dualities ) to one of immense empowerment. ( flow, heart openness , wholeness, expansion and unity ) .

I accepted in that moment what was happening even though I did not understand what was unfolding. My consciousness felt like it was universal, I knew I was this vast consciousness awareness. It resonated with my being a concept I had heard explaining that our human self is a hologram that represents the totality of the whole.

I felt the deep realisation that I was the universe in person and if I was, then others were also . This was very challenging for my egoic mind to embrace and comprehend, thus I only shared this with selected others well advanced on their own consciousness journeys of SELF realisations and joyful consciousness play as empowered creators.

The human awakening into universal self realisation journey continues to unfold as more petals of the energetic heart, cellular memories and DNA gets ready to become turned upwards and activated into another level of intense exquisite blossoming.

Within each new unfolding ~ a invitation into another level of expansion of awareness. I and you on earth get to dance with these energies of awakening into self realisations again and agian exploring our storyline’s from new heights of loving awareness and presence until they are complete within the nature of self acceptance, unconditional love and we extract the divine gems of wisdom fully received and integrated into pure beingNess. ( pure awareness ~ infinite grace consciousness ).

Human Awakening can feel ruthless like the carpet gets sweep from underneath you and for some it seems that way. However the more each person can accept that this is happening for you and not too you, the more graceful the experience becomes. We choose to surrender rather than resist the changes calling us forth in every now moment of breath and being more presence with what is arising and unfolding.

Eventually we come to realise from a higher consciousness perspective that it is all happening for us and through us. What we each are awakening into is the absolute knowing and realisation that we are not powerless in this world. What we are each are is unqiuely and collectively empowered creational beings and in no way a victim to our outer circumstances unless we believe we are and give our power ( our energy ) to a outer entity and precieved reality circumstances.

Your biggest fears and challenges can become your greatest allies and trusted friends. Through them you get to uncover snd discover whom you really are beyond the perceptions of limitations , lack and beliefs in separation from your Divine Source ~ God ~ Universe.

You come to realise through each new challenge faced and embraced your greatest strength in adaptability, creativity and innate capacity for resilience.

Often this is in a way that is the complete opposite to what you think it would be and been conditioned to believe. It is through complete surrender to what is playing out in your life rather than resistance; it is through wholehearted acceptance rather than denials ; it is through going deeper within your own sacred heart gateway to your soul essence rather than busying your world with distraction, avoidance and numbing out from feelings.

Take care my friends. Intense moments unfolding on earth. A Epic evolution and expansion of consciousness is here for us.

Remember ~ You got this or a higher part of you has so hand all stress and concerns over.

Keep breathing, Keep loving ,

Because beyond all the dramas, upheavals , uncertainties and unknowns of earthly living,

I and U are eternal Divine Love consciousness.

Unconditional. Wholeness. Complete.

Divine Love Ambassador

Mary Jo ( MJ )

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