Only a few more days hanging out with this wonderful animal being called dog Metro before I get to transition to the next wonderful house sit in Motueka. He is beautiful German Sheppard with the most extraordinary nature. He is playful, relaxed, loves hugs / massages and loving attention, he is so attuned to the energy of his environment and super attentive and loyal.
Watching Metro play with the cat named Sting is sublimely divine, especially when he looks like he has the cats head in his mouth. Somehow they joyfully respect each others beings and never take the play too far.
It has been such a joy for my heart and inner child to live a life like this these last few months house sitting for different homes and animals in different locations with my hubby around the South Island.
It has felt like such a joy, gift and immense blessings to live into the uncomplicated simplicity of daily self care while being immersed in natures delight living on the wild West Coast these past few weeks. Days spent beach walking Metro and self, exploring online stuff and cooking / eating yummy wholesome foods.
My SOUL is so happy with the seemingly mundane. However it is far from mundane through the eyes of my SOULFUL heart and inner BEing. It is truly LIFE and being present in the here and now to receive it. That is the real delight and the key to transcendence from limited perceptions as a result of rushing ones life via the mental mind survival and fearful flight / fight / freeze consciousness in its attempting to strive, stay safe and progress at the cost of all else.
The call for humanity over these evolutionary years is to slow down and surrender more into the moments of each day so as to tap within to that deep knowing that " all is well ", you are ok and all is unfolding as it will for the highest and best good of all. " Relax into the moment and joyful self worth ", Even in the moments when this is more challenging to comprehend.
These last few weeks and months has helped me to super attune the harmonious regulation of my nervous system by allowing myself to receive this luxury of the abundance of time and space to relax and 'just be' while learning new things like creating online courses and using A.I. tools online, learning at a gentle enough pace that allows for integration and the releasing of what does not serve any longer aka a up-leveling of frequencies and possibilities.
AND last but not least being with the animals we get to care for, wow is that ever the most wise medicine to support the healthy regulation of a persons nervous system. Animals they bring smiles to our heart and faces with their joy, presence, openness, unconditional love, connections and play.
Hanging out with Hubby is pretty darn awesome too as we explore the region in semi tourist mode and simple “ just be “ in the HERE and NOW, noticing what we notice, speaking what wants to be spoken, enjoying silence or music, biking, walking, dancing. Appreciating each day as they unfold.
A Gratitude practice daily is a must for our life's. We do this practice to acknowledge all the joys of the day and support ourselves to not lose sight of how blessed we are with the abundance we experience each day !!! " What you focus on expands "
How did we get so lucky to have the option of house sitting and house owners with travel plans to go away and enjoy themselves in other locations.
It is such a gift, the mix of flexibility and grounding when getting to travel to different locations and explore them like a tourist to the degree one choose's.
However we house sitters are not just tourists because we get the great honour and trust to take over peoples beloved homes to house sit and care for their animals for a few days to a few week or months. I know that much of my deep appreciation for this is due to running my own retreat home for 9 years and how much it always meant for Steve and I to feel we could go away and leave our home, retreat biz and dogie in caring, trustworthy and capable hands. " What you give out you get back ".
Over the duration of each house sit in a new location we get opportunities to get to know the neighbourhood more and meet some of the locals and try out that particular flavour of life and living.
It is such a gift to align and receive these opportunities as win~win exchanges for all, what I am referring to in this blog as the beautiful human to human TRUST CURRENCY. AND isn't all currency ultimately based on an agreement of trust; exchanging cash, digital currency, crypto , shares, bonds, gold for property, material wears, cash etc !
This new exploration in my own life in 2024 feels very in alignment to my soulful hearts visions of what “ new earth “ living can be more like.
Imagine aligning our divine innate energies, thoughts and actions to being open to practicing greater trust by connecting authentically with our humanity, elemental and animal kingdom family as a way of honouring one another with mutual respect and honesty. A honouring which goes beyond ego materialism and yet the material world is honoured too and not worshipped so much.
I am all about the AND Universe vibes ever since my higher self ( deeper inner self ) helped me realise the universe is a ' AND ' place and not a either / or. It is just the human left brain that compartmentalises things into this or that i.e if I am this, then I can't be that and so forth.
The Quantum Brain is multidimensional which means it can hold many different and seemingly opposing bits of information simultaneously and recognise a greater wholeness and connectivity in all of it.
In my Quantum AND Universe, I enjoy how I and those of us whom choose to explore House Sitting gets to both travel AND be a tourist meeting new people, places and pets.
How fricken awesome I ( we ) get to live and be a trusted caretaker in someone’s home and get to hang out with their beloved animals. ( furbabies / fur families )
Plus the fact that Animals and young children are two of the most honest pure expressions of life is also pretty magical and insightful when we slow down enough to really observe and truly listen to them and how they respond to energetic stimuli. E.g. how a dog senses when it's human care taker is going to take him / her for a walk.
Both children and animals are super tuned into their natural instincts and sensitivities to respond to the energy of a room and that of a person. Another way of understanding this is that they are attuning to the nervous systems regulation of a person and responding to what the vibe is.
This is why if a dogs pick up the energies of fear and tensions in your energy field ( aka expressed via the nervous system ) they will not trust your intentions and perceive you or something else in their environment as a threat of some kind.
A lot of this unfortunately gets conditioned out of young kids as they grow older and start to negate their inner senses, instinct's and biological feedback loop in order to figure out how they fit or don’t fit into society and deal with the daily challenges with navigating that journey. However with more and more conscious parenting this is changing, however not without its challenges as society has a bit to go to supporting this level of personal empowerment, self knowledge and trust.
This journey of disconnecting from listening to ones inner senses is for many kids into teens years and into being adults adding to creating them living in a perpetual and underlining state of stress, anxieties and unease called " normal ".
A all too common " Normal " that gets created due to the perceived pressures and expectation placed upon them or taken on board as a requirement to be acceptable and successful. ( but according to whom’s standards !? !!! )
Woohoo ~ House Sitting Options to the rescue as a new way of navigating life for a few months or a few years and developing trust in ones humanity and listening to ones intuitive guidance again.
Over my time house sitting this year , Steve and I have put into practice a few really helpful tips to align our energies ( aka nervous systems ) to create the most empowering , graceful and win win joyful experience for all involved in the house sitting experience.
If you are interested to read more about these or / and watch our joint video presentation write “ Yes “ in the comments.
Alternatively EMAIL ME HERE and I’ll send you the link to sign up for free to receive our “ Top 3 House sitting Tips “ for aligning and creating the most magical fulfilling experience for all.
Steve will talk left brain practical tips and I will cover the right brain energetic practical tips.